The mind needs to be trained like the body
We need to take care of our mental health as much, if not more than our physical health. In fact it's very concerning that people still try to justify that people who suffer from depression as something that is almost not real. Some people simply shrug it off with quotes like "they just need to get over it" or "what have they got to be depressed at about, their are people who have worse problems than them”. Its more outrageous than saying sustainable health and weight loss is a simple as eating less and exercising more.
Is it really that simple? If so, why will 1-4 people suffer from some form of depression during the year. There are 40 million dispensed prescription that are for antidepressant per year and roughly 4,500 people commit suicide in the UK every year. Most if not everyone has had some kind of connection to someone who have suffered from am mental illness. Whether thats from a close friend or family member or just hearing the news of a famous celebrity or sports person suffering from mental illness. Its time that individuals and society accept that poor mental health is a real thing and try to develop a real understanding of it.
A perspective i have taken on is that If we compare a persons ability to deal with stress to say being the fastest person on the planet to run 100 metres. Usain Bolt is the fastest 100 metre sprinter to ever walk this planet since records began is a result of two factors. One he has the genetics to run fast, and regardless how affective others may train, if they don't posses those same or similar genetics they will never beat him. This leads to the second factor, Usain must follow a strict training and lifestyle regime to fully maximise his genetic abilities to be the fastest person on the planet.
If this theory of being the fastest man on the planet is a result of genetics and training, could the same be applied to people being able to handle stress. Let's say that some people just have a genetic ability to deal with stress better than others (Genetic). Some may be able to develop better strategies (training) to deal with stress and overcome their demons. Some may not posses either and fall into the abyss of depression with seemingly no escape.
Maybe we just need to understand that some cannot deal with the same stress levels as others and that poor mental is unfortunately here to stay for the forceable future. This theory is not necessarily correct but it could be worth bearing in mind the next time you come across a mental health issue, whether it is you or some else.
There is not really a known cure for mental health, antidepressant drugs wont cure depression but will eliminate the symptoms, which is vital if a patient is in danger of harming themselves. There are some steps you can take to help reduce the feeling of stress.
Avoiding stimulants, narcotics and alcohol or at least reduce
Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants which speed up the nervousness system, the sympathetic nervous. Stimulants heighten senses, increase heart rate and alertness. These may seem like advantageous but they do come with there side effects. Increased heart rate will increase the blood pressure, putting more stress on the body. Increased mental alertness can also increase anxiety, a feeling that is linked to depression as it gives a feeling of worry, doubt and guilt even if you don't really have anything to worry about. If you do have concerns on your mind then anxiety will increase them. Alcohol is a depressant which slows the nervous system down, through the parasympathetic system. A common side affect to alcohol is depression as the body has slowed down, giving a feeling of laziness, worthlessness and just generally feeling down. Aim to only consume less than 2 caffeinated drinks a day, ideally before the afternoon, and not consume more than 3 units for men and 2 units for women of alcohol in one day on a regular basis.
Exercising and a balanced diet
When we get stressed the body releases hormones into the blood stream, cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones are apart of the fight or flight system, so when we are stressed the body is expecting a reaction which will result in movement of some form. The movement does not need to be intense exercise, gentle walking, stretching and deep breathing will help break down these hormones. Drinking water will help break down stress hormones too, 2 large gulps of water every hour will do the trick, have more if the weather is hot or during and after exercise. Stable blood sugar levels help maintain energy levels and stop people from feeling lethargic.High fibre foods such fruits and vegetables along with foods of a high protein and fat source will help stabilise blood sugar levels. Nuts,seeds, crunchy fruits and vegetables with lean meat and fish will help to stabilise energy levels.
Relaxation techniques, positive thinking/imagery and motivation.
During a stressful situation, following some simple relaxation techniques controlled stomach breathing and meditation will help lower stress levels. People don't have to be spiritual or religious to meditate, just need to be able to breath and think of a thought that makes them happy. Stomach breathing is important in this exercise, during inhalation the stomach need to push out so the diaphragm which is located below the lungs can lower to allow air into the lungs. More air in the lungs means more Oxygen can enter the body to help breakdown stress hormones. When breathing out, pull the stomach muscles inwards and upwards, this helps to push out more air on exhaling. When breathing out think or say a happy thought and this helps changes the minds focus from the stressful situation to a peaceful one. This can last as long as it needs to but should continue until the stress levels have dropped significantly. Exercise, gently or intensely can be used as a form of relaxation too. Once the stress levels have decreased then positive thinking and positive imagery should be the next step. There are number of ways positive imagery and thought can be done, one is to simply watch something that is inspirational or comical on youtube. Another way is what the Japanese do is to look into a mirror, start smiling then begin to laugh to your self, as humans are social learners seeing a happy image helps people to become happy. y. Positive imagery can be done through thought too, when coaching people to get into exercise, getting client to visualise how they will feel for doing exercise based on past experiences is a good technique. The client then replies with answers like “sense of achievement “ or “boost of energy”. From a more positive outlook, its then possible to develop motivation to help achieve the goal of overcoming the barrier. Normally reading around the subject of motivation is a good start, a few recommendation are “think Rich and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, “The Power of Full Engagement” By Jim Loehr and Tony Shwartz and “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” by Robin S Sharma. There are many of these type of books out there and its a good investment of time to read round the subject of motivation to develop sound strategies on developing this discipline. Motivation is fundamental to over coming barriers and reaching goals so the more it can be developed the better.
If you are suffering from mental illness and are not sure what course of action to take, here are some ways you can get extra help .The NHS website will have resources to help people on overcoming mental health issues and what action to take. Never be afraid to talk to this issues with a close family member or friend as its important to have social support in any situation that is a threat to your health. If you don't feel comfortable with any of these resources then go visit your GP and they will be able to determine the course action for you.
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