Health explorer........ Body balance is a mixture of Pilates, Yoga and Thai Chi poses from beginner to intermediate level. This class will improve flexibility from the yoga poses, core strength and posture from Pilates and Thai Chi works on the principle that the body is a like a tree, arms are mobile like the branches in the wind, and the trunk of the body is strong which is good for all three of stability, balance and flexibility. Body balance is great for improving flexibility, lowering stress levels and improving body strength. The class lasts for one hour with the warm up phase of some Thai Chi exercises, then onto Yoga based exercises to work on flexibility, Pilates to work the abdomen area then finishes with a Thai Chi warm down followed by meditation. This class is great for people who want to improve mobility, reduce aches and pains, and get a good workout without leaving the class feeling exhausted or tired.
What did the Participants say....... Michael Spensley “Flexibility and better posture are the benefits I’ve noticed” A.C Swales “Absolute tranquillity after a good stretch and an aerobic workout in the gym” John Stubberfield “ All round flexibility and muscle strengthening, all round exercise and suitability”
What does the instructor say....... Balance is a great class to work on mobility, when you have learned the routine you can work on towards the more advance poses to gain further benefits from the class.
The Science Behind Balance....... there are many physiological benefits to gain from the progressive stretching, which allow the muscles to become longer which improves flexibility and posture. Strengthening the core muscles will improve body posture, strength and improve muscle tone (through tiny muscle fibres breaking and repairing). The balance class works on lowering stress through exercise, lower stress ahs many benefits to improve overall health reducing blood pressure which is a cardiovascular risk factor. Lower stress levels mean lower Adrenaline and Cortical hormones being released, increased levels of these hormones are linked with the increased fat stores around the hip and stomach areas.
One last thing....... This class is great for people who struggle with intense exercise and is also great for people who exercise intensely and would like to reduce the onset of muscle soreness and stiffness.